看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Play hardball

Play Hardball:To be ruthless, aggressive, or harsh (with one) in order to achieve a certain result,, or to behave in an unpleasant, threatening way so that you get what you want. (采取决然果断方式或强硬手段)
Play Hardball这个词组和棒球有关。hardball是硬式棒球,打起来很激烈,不小心还会受伤,所以play hardball引申为“不客气”、“激烈竞争”等意思。
反之,软式棒球(即垒球)叫做softball,速度慢,球体 比较大而软,被击中也不容易受伤,所以play softball的意 思就是“手下留情”、“一团和气”。softball和hardball都可以当形容词用。例如:A softball question就是“比较客气、不尖锐的问题”。
E.G.1:I think it’s time we play hardball with the suspect—he’s not going to talk otherwise.
E.G2:The fact that Hayden wielded this unprecedented influence demonstrates that even at age 89 he was capable of playing hardball when the situation demanded it.