看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Be that as it may
Be that as it may: A set phrase that acknowledges a previous statement as true but ultimately unable to override some fact or sway one’s thoughts on the matter. Used to mean that you accept that a piece of information is true but it does not change your opinion of the subject you are discussing. As in I know he’s tried hard; be that as it may, his work is just not good enough.

中文释义:be that as it may 是尽管如此,即使如此,尽管那样;话虽如此的意思, 即使前面陈述的是真实情况,但是最终不能推翻某些事实或改变某人对这件事的想法的。比如:I know that he has tried hard; be that as it may, his work is just not good enough. (我知道他已经尽力了,尽管如此,他的工作仍不太理想。)
