看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Snap at someone
Snap at someone: To speak sharply or angrily to someone; Speak irritably or abruptly to someone; Yell at someone or talk to someone angrily; To lash out at someone or something with a caustic, irritable comment or response.
As in Why did you snap at me? I did nothing wrong.

中文释义:snap at someone 就是对某人大声嚷嚷,或者很生气地和某人说话。比如说家长在辅导孩子做作业时总是忍不住对孩子大声吼,这种场景就很适合用上snap at someone。例句:I hate it when I snap at the kids like that, but sometimes they just push me to my breaking point!(我讨厌对孩子们这样大吼大叫,但有时候他们把我逼到崩溃的边缘!)
