看绝望的主妇学高频短语:I’ll see what I can do
I’ll see what I can do: spoken used to say that you will try to help someone; I’ll find out what can be done, I’ll check what I’m able to do (for you). As in Leave the papers with me and I’ll see what I can do.

中文释义:口语中用于表示你将尽力帮助某人,意思是我看一看我能帮上什么忙。如果别人向你提出一个很麻烦无礼的要求,让你帮的忙超出了你们的情分,但你又不好直接拒绝,这个时候就可以面露难色,说I’ll see what I can do.然后过几天再告诉对方你做不到。毕竟这句话暗含的意思是“but I can’t promise anything”。例句:Please prepare all the reports and have them on my desk tomorrow morning. I will see what I can do.(请把所有报表都给我准备好,明天早上放我办公桌上。我会先试试看。)
