看绝望的主妇学英语习语:Take the high road
Take the high road: To follow the course of action which is the most moral or most correct and which is least likely to harm or upset other people; To behave in a moral way when other people are not behaving morally; To do what you believe is right according to your beliefs.

中文释义:Take the high road有:走正道,堂堂正正,秉持正确理念,采取积极途径,走高端路线,高风亮节,君子之道……这些含义。注意这个习语没有“上高速”的意思。上高速可以用take the highway、take the expressway、take the freeway来表达。例句:Even if you have been treated unfairly, you can take the high road. (即使人家对你不公,你也可以采取高姿态。)
