看绝望的主妇学英语高频短语:Make up for
Make up for…: to take the place of something lost or damaged or to compensate for something bad with something good; (make up for something) to provide something good, so that something bad seems less important.

中文释义:意思是“弥补、补偿(某事)”。还可以用make it up to someone这种用法。意思是“弥补、补偿(某人)”。你注意到了吗?当弥补某人时,我们应该使用介词to,并且使用make it up。而弥补某事时,则用介词for,并使用make up(中间没有it哦)。例句:She tried to make up for lost time by working extra hard.(她尝试着格外努力地工作,以弥补失去的时间。)
