看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Take one’s time
Take one’s time: To go at one’s own preferred pace; to use as much time as one needs or desires.To do something slowly or carefully without hurrying. As in Take your time, don’t cut corners and follow the instructions.

中文释义:Take one’s time从字面上看,可能会理解成抓紧时间,因为take本来有“拿”或者“取”的意思,然而,当你的老板跟你说take your time,千万别紧张,他不是嫌你干活干的慢,而是愿意给你更多的时间来做好你的工作。因此,这个短语表达的意思是可以按照自己偏好的节奏或者速度来做事,不用受时长的限制。
随着我们生活的节奏越来越快,有时候我们要学会让自己慢下来,take our time for the rhythm of living, 但是生活、工作的压力,又让我们不得不快一些,所以Please just take your time but don’t make it too slow, that would be fine.
