看绝望的主妇学高频短语:Come to one’s rescue
Come to one’s rescue: To help someone in trouble; To help someone out of a bad situation; The phrase can be used for both serious and ordinary situations; To rescue or save someone or something. As in I was about to drop a huge tray of dishes when Brad came to my rescue.

中文释义:Comes to the rescue 是固定搭配。解救某人, 援救某人,解围。当某人 comes to the rescue 意思就是及时到达营救解围。这个短语是指救援者得知某人处于困境或不利局面时,前去搭救或协助,可以是小到不足挂齿的替人挡酒,大到生命危在旦夕的生死救援。例句:The car was buried by the landslide. The rescue team came to its rescue. (这辆车因山崩被埋在地下,救援队前来救援。)
