在这个竞争激烈的年代,我们中的很多人都想着出人头地, 向先进看齐,向机会靠拢,大家都在担心被残酷的竞争所淘汰,于是,这种主流的民意造成了如今逆水行舟,不进则退的局面。正所谓没有人能随随便便成功,即便是历尽波折旗开得胜,也没有人能一劳永逸地保持!


In the face of the era of fierce/ferocious/stiff competition,The great majority among us longs to stand out from the herd, keep abreast of the pioneers, lining up to catch the hottest trends, everyone is concerned about being wiped out of the competition, as a result, these dominant concerns give rise to a general recognition that we all have to work our tails off in order for preventing from lagging behind.

It is said that we all have to take our lumps before we come into our own,even if we triumph over with flying colors/ make the riffle after going through ups and downs, yet no one can rest on their laurels without fearing the spiral of depreciation.

      nobody can succeed easily 太low

      nobody can succeed without trying hard 太low

      It takes a lot of efforts to rearch your goal 凑合

      one can only succeed if he is resilient and persistent 凑合

      Rome wasn’t build in one day (cliche太俗)

      no pains,no gains (cliche太俗)


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