
比较状语从句:(Adverbial clause of comparison):该句型主要运用于形容词和副词的原级、比较级及最高级的句子之中,通常由as或than引起,这类从句和大多数状语从句不同,它们不修饰动词,而是修饰as,so,less,more等副词,或其他比较级的词。

比较状语从句常用引导词:as…as(和……一样),not so(as)…as …(和不一样);rathan(…)than… [“与其……不如……”; 是……而不是…;“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”]比较级:more…than(更);最高级:The most…of/in, the + 形容词+est…of/in。常用引导词:as(同级比较),than(不同程度的比较);特殊引导词:the more … the more … 等。



E.G.1: (DH S01E12)

SusanEverything about the fire and measuring cup 火灾也好 量杯也好

——>> is gonna be in that journal. 所有事都会记在日记里

——>> Everyone’ll think I’m an arsonist. 到时候大家都会以为我是个纵火犯

JulieIt may not be as bad as it looks. 可能没那么糟

E.G.2: (DH S01E09)

BreeWell, if it ensures he grows up with some trace of humanity, 如果这样能唤起一点他的人性

——>> that’s a risk I am willing to take. 我愿意冒这个险

RexWell, I’m not. 我不会

BreeThat’s because you just don’t love him as much as I do. 这是因为我比你更爱他

比较状语从句在《绝望的主妇》中的相关例句:(Not so/as…as…)



  • 普通18金币
  • 会员9金币5折
  • 永久会员9金币
E.G.1: (DH S01E05)

Lynette: The boys are fascinating. 他们真的很特别

——>> They even have their own twin secret language. Don’t you think Tom? 他们甚至有暗号 只有他们自己才懂

Tom: Yeah, it’s pretty scary. 是啊 挺可怕的

Lynette: Not really so much scary as highly developed. 与其说可怕 不如说聪明

E.G.2: (DH S01E06)

Dr. Goldfine: And Rex feels that when the two of you have intercourse, 雷克斯觉得在你们俩做爱的时候

——>> you’re not as connected as you could be. 你并没有很投入

Bree: Connected? 投入?


E.G.1: (DH S01E05)

Headmaster: To be honest, Mr. And Mrs. Scavo, 老实说 斯加沃夫妇

——>> your children’s educational background 你们孩子的教育背景

——>> is a bit more common than we would prefer. 与我们想要资质的相比,不够突出

E.G.2: (DH S01E09)

BreeHow many nannies did you interview?  你找过几个保姆了

LynetteTen. Ten!  十个

——>> Each one more incompetent than the last. 一个比一个差

——>> One actually asked me… There you go… 其中一个还问我 她居然问我

——>> If she was expected to change diapers. 是不是还得给孩子换尿布

E.G.3:(DH S01E06)

Juanita was now more convinced than ever that her treacherous daughter-in-law was having an affair. (DH S01E06 39:43)



E.G.1: (DH S01E12)

BreeThank you. I did too. 谢谢你 我也是

——>> I’m sorry I can’t invite you in for coffee. 抱歉不能请你进屋坐会

GeorgeI get it. 我明白

——>> Rex still lives in the house. It would be awkward. 雷克斯还住在这里 这会很尴尬

BreeAnd I would rather cut off my hand than hurt his feelings. 是啊 我宁可断手也不想伤害他

——>> It’ll be a lot easier once he gets well enough to move out. 这样他能快点痊愈搬出去 我就解脱了

E.G.1: (DH S02E15)

Bree:If it makes everybody happy,  如果能让你们高兴

——>> I will just suffer through my sneezing fits and my hives on my own. 那就让我发寒 发抖 浑身起疹子好了

——>> There. Is that better? 好了吗?

Andrew:So basically you would rather drink than to not have allergies? 所以你宁可满身疹子也不愿意不喝酒?

比较状语从句在《绝望的主妇》中的相关例句:(The most/*est…of/in)

E.G.1: (DH S01E16)

Narrator: Throughout even the most respectable of neighborhoods, 即便是在风气最好的社区

—–>> you can hear the sound of scandal. 你也能听到不光彩的声音

E.G.2: (DH S07E03)

Maxine:Here’s a bonus for you. 这是给你的奖金

SusanWhat’s this for? 为什么给我奖金呢?

——>> Well, it’s a little something I do for the girl who gets the most hits in a month.

E.G.3 (DH S01E07)

Narrator:Everyone knew Bree had the nicest lawn in the neighborhood. 众所周知布里拥有紫藤郡最美的草坪

——>> And no one begrudged her this. 没有人嫉妒她这点

——>> No one, that is, except Martha Huber, 除了玛莎·胡博

E.G.4: (DH S01E22)

Bree: I don’t know why, 不知道为什么

——>> but I have this overwhelming feeling 但我有种强烈的预感

——>> that you’re gonna be just fine. I really do. 你会好起来的 一定

Rex: Lee Craig has the biggest ego of any doctor I know. 李·克雷格是我认识的最自负的医生

——>> If he wants to consult with someone, 如果连他都需要和别人会诊

——>> that means he’s stumped. 可见他真的没辙了

比较状语从句在《绝望的主妇》中的相关例句:(The more/比较级…the…)

E.G.1: (DH S01E02)

SusanEdie, would you like to join us for dinner? 伊迪 你愿意一块来吗

Edie: Oh, that’s so sweet. No, I don’t want to intrude. 那真好 哦 不行

——>> Three’s a crowd. 我可不想做电灯泡

Mike: No, it’s not like that. I mean, Susan’s bringing Julie. 不是你想的那样 朱莉也会来

SusanIt’s not like that. The more the merrier. 不是那样的 人越多越热闹

E.G.2: (DH S02E21)

Bree: Right. Good. Um, sorry. Everybody, dig in. 嗯,好的。不好意思,大家请享用吧

McMillan:Does anybody else think this salsa’s a little too spicy? 有没有人觉得这酱汁太辣了点儿?

Daniel:I always say, the hotter, the better. 我总是说,越“辣”,越好


E.G.1:Rather than offering to do the work of another, offer to teach him or her how to do it. Even though it may take longer in the short term, it will pay dividends in the long term.



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