


让步状语从句典型标志性连词:though,although,even if,even though; whether…or…; no matter+疑问词,疑问词+ever,regardless of+名词/名词短语/名词从句,despite,in spite of,as+(adj)+as。请参考美剧《绝望的主妇》相关例句:

Family should always hug regardless of how they feel about each other.


I have way too much class to trash you, no matter how much you deserve it.


In spite of her mounting debt, Gabrielle was determined to prove she could get along just fine without Carlos’s money.


By your own admission, your home’s always clean, your clothes always freshly pressed, sounds like a wonderful cook, despite her flaws, do you ever remember to say thank you?

Although I keep telling Tom how dangerous gardens can be. Everywhere you step, There are shovels and rakes and hoes. (DH S05E20)

It was just an opinion, really. She’s your daughter. — I completely respect your right to raise her however you want. (DH S04E02)

Whichever skirt you’re wearing, you always turn out to be the most attractive gal in the ball. (Owen)【无论你穿哪件裙子,你总是能成为舞会上最为魅力的女子】

Whoever smacked you, I will knock every tooth out of his mouth. (Owen)【不管是谁扇了你耳光,我将会打得他满地找牙】

Yeah, as much as I’d like to help you out, I’m late for a meeting.  【虽然我很想配合你,但我有个面谈要迟到了。】(Suits S01E05 05:41)

Sweet as the picture was, something possibly ghoulish haunted the motivations behind its publication. (经济学人)

Bad as he was, he is not without merits. 这个句子中as引导让步状语从句。其实这个as he was 和 Knowing him as I did, I …中的as I did的结构和用法完全相同,本质上是一种比较结构。至于表示原因还是让步,是由句子的逻辑决定的,而不是as的语义决定的。

美国人在形容词前又加了一个as, 还是可以表示原因或让步。

as…as 引导让步状语从句的用法主要见于美国英语中。如:  Improbable as it seems, it’s still true. = (chiefly US ) AS improbable as it seems, it’s still true. 尽管看起来不可能,但那却是真的。(摘自《韦氏高阶英汉双解词典》p. 105 as conj. 4)




Narrator: Though he’d been a policeman for six years, 尽管他已经做了六年的警察
——>> officer Hayes had never found himself 海耶斯警官却不知道这次
——>> in a truly dangerous situation. 他将身处险境
——>> Then again, he had never before told 他以前从来没告诉过一个女人
——>> a woman how to raise her children. 该如何去管教孩子

Desperate Housewives,中心是“Desperate”,编剧为了展示各大主妇的疯狂与绝望,可谓是煞费苦心。以“Though”开头的让步状语从句加上递进词“Then again”渲染气氛,为引导下面的精彩演出作铺垫。要想把句子打造得引人入胜、不同凡响,我们既要能准确的使用单词、适当引入短语,还要学会去像让步状语从句这样的理解句子结构,并勤加练习,将其与日常生活场景相关联,这样才能在今后的输出当中获得你所预期的效果。

片段精讲2:(摘自《绝望的主妇》S01E02 )

Bree: We sat on Skyline Drive and drank a bottle of apple wine, 我们在长空大道喝着苹果酒
——>> and when we finished it, you turned to me, and you said, 喝完你突然转过来对我说
——>> “if you marry me, Bree Mason,” 如果你嫁给我 布里·梅森
——>> I promise to love you for the rest of my life. “我保证会爱你一辈子”
——>> And even though I was engaged to Ty Grant, 尽管那时我已经和泰·格兰特订婚了
——>> and even though my father didn’t like you, 尽管我父亲并不喜欢你
——>> I said yes. 我也同意了
Rex: That was a long time ago. 那是很久以前的事了
Bree: You’re going to cancel the meeting with that divorce lawyer, 你得取消和离婚律师的会面
Bree: and we’re going to find ourselves a marriage counselor. 我们去找一个婚姻顾问
Rex: Bree… 布里
Bree: You promised. 你保证过的
Rex: All right. 好吧

在上面这段场景里,两个“even though”使用出来,Bree很迅速地掌握了主动权(Have the upper hand),作为男人遇到这种句式,你想发火都发不出来。Bree一波回忆杀,让Rex乖乖就范。她声调由平和逐渐升高,语速越来越快,气势上压倒对手,直击对方痛点,这才是有力的说服。


Dr. Goldfine: Rex, I’m curious. 雷克斯 我很好奇

——>> Do you ever acknowledge the benefits of living with Bree? 你有没有想过跟布里一起住的好处

Rex: Huh? 什么

Dr. Goldfine: By your own admission, 根据你的叙述

——>> your home’s always clean, 你的家永远是干净的

——>> your clothes always freshly pressed, 衣服永远是慰平的

——>> sounds like a wonderful cook, 她听起来厨艺很好

——>> despite her flaws, 除了她本身的过错

——>> do you ever remember to say thank you? 你有没有想过说声 谢谢

Rex: Thank you? 说谢谢

Dr. Goldfine: Yes. 是的



E.G.1:Even though the last message was a positive one, the middle, more critical message, is most likely what he’s going to focus on.


E.G.2:Please remind yourself from time to time that it’s not selfish to have your needs met, even though it might inconvenience others.


E.G.3:They’ll never approve of this idea no matter how many facts I present.


E.G.4:Giving critical feedback is difficult no matter how skilled or practiced you are at it.


E.G.5:Whether you’re at entry-level or you already occupy the corner office, you need to figure out which mistakes are affecting, or sabotaging, your career development.


E.G.6:Whether you believe it or not, financial dependence on your husband translates/evolves into a loss of career choices and power.




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