

  1. 基督教礼仪日历
    • 早期基督教会设立了许多节日来纪念重要的圣人和事件。米迦勒节就是其中之一,标志着5世纪在罗马为圣米迦勒奉献的一个大教堂的纪念日。
  2. 中世纪传统
    • 在中世纪,米迦勒节成为英格兰和爱尔兰日历中的四分之一日之一。这些四分之一日(圣母领报节、仲夏节、米迦勒节和圣诞节)在法律和经济上具有重要意义,如结算租金和雇佣仆人。
    • 米迦勒节也标志着收获季节的结束。传统上,这是一个盛宴和集市的时间,人们通常会吃鹅以确保繁荣。
  3. 文化意义
    • 米迦勒节菊(Aster amellus)在这个季节开花,人们相信这些花会带来好运。
    • 在一些传统中,米迦勒节也与秋天的开始和白昼的缩短有关。

Michaelmas, also known as the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels, has its origins in the early Christian church. The celebration on September 29th honors the Archangel Michael, who is recognized in Christianity, Judaism, and Islam as a protector against the forces of evil and a leader of the heavenly army.

Historical and Religious Background:

  1. Archangel Michael:
    • In the Bible, Michael is mentioned in the Book of Daniel, the Epistle of Jude, and the Book of Revelation.
    • He is often depicted as a warrior angel, battling Satan and his forces.
    • Michael is considered the patron saint of soldiers, police officers, and others who protect the public.
  2. Christian Liturgical Calendar:
    • The early Christian church established feast days to honor significant saints and events. Michaelmas was one such feast, marking the dedication of a basilica to Saint Michael in Rome in the 5th century.
  3. Medieval Traditions:
    • During the Middle Ages, Michaelmas became one of the quarter days in the English and Irish calendars. These quarter days (Lady Day, Midsummer, Michaelmas, and Christmas) were important for legal and economic purposes, such as settling rents and hiring servants.
    • Michaelmas also marked the end of the harvest season. Traditionally, it was a time for feasts and fairs, and people would often eat goose to ensure prosperity.
  4. Cultural Significance:
    • Michaelmas daisies (Aster amellus) bloom around this time of year, and it was believed that these flowers would bring good luck.
    • In some traditions, Michaelmas was also associated with the beginning of autumn and the shortening of days.

 the origin of "Michaelmas"


  • 早期基督教:米迦勒节在早期基督教会中被设立为节日,以纪念圣米迦勒和其他天使。
  • 中世纪:到中世纪时,米迦勒节已成为英格兰和爱尔兰的四分之一日之一。四分之一日还包括圣母领报节(3月25日)、仲夏节(6月24日)和圣诞节(12月25日),是结算租金、雇佣仆人和其他法律和财务事务的重要日期。
  • 收获节:米迦勒节标志着收获季节的结束。传统上,这是一个盛宴和集市的时间,吃鹅是米迦勒节的一项习俗,被认为可以带来财运。




  1. 社会和经济活动
    • 四分之一日:米迦勒节作为四分之一日之一,可能是像班纳特一家这样的家庭处理财务事务的时间,如支付租金或结算账目。这对小说中家族的地产管理和经济稳定有影响。
    • 雇佣仆人:这也是雇佣新仆人或续签合同的常见时间。这可能影响家庭运作以及家庭成员与仆人之间的动态。
  2. 季节变化
    • 秋季设定:提到米迦勒节将小说部分情节定位在秋季,这个季节常与变化和过渡相关。这可以象征故事中人物关系和社会地位的变化与发展。
  3. 文化习俗
    • 宴会和社交聚会:米迦勒节是盛宴和社交活动的时间。在《傲慢与偏见》中,社交聚会是情节的核心,为人物互动、求爱和社会戏剧的展开提供了场所。
    • 吃鹅:传统的米迦勒节鹅被认为带来财运。对这些习俗的提及可以增加背景深度,并突出当时的文化习俗。



Michaelmas, or the Feast of Saint Michael and All Angels, is celebrated on September 29th. Its origins are rooted in early Christian traditions and the veneration of the Archangel Michael, a prominent figure in Christian, Jewish, and Islamic traditions. Michael is often portrayed as a warrior angel who leads the heavenly host against the forces of evil.

Historical Context:

  • Early Christianity: Michaelmas was established as a feast day in the early Christian church to honor Saint Michael and other angels.
  • Middle Ages: By the Middle Ages, Michaelmas had become one of the quarter days in England and Ireland. Quarter days, which also include Lady Day (March 25), Midsummer Day (June 24), and Christmas (December 25), were key dates for settling rents, hiring servants, and other legal and financial matters.
  • Harvest Festival: Michaelmas marked the end of the harvest season. Traditionally, it was a time for feasting and fairs. It was customary to eat goose on Michaelmas Day, as it was believed to bring financial prosperity.

Michaelmas in “Pride and Prejudice”

In Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, the mention of Michaelmas provides a historical and cultural context that helps anchor the events of the novel within the social practices of early 19th-century England.

Connections and Implications:

  1. Social and Economic Activities:
    • Quarter Day: Michaelmas, being a quarter day, would have been a time when families like the Bennets might have dealt with financial matters, such as paying rents or settling accounts. This would have implications for the estate management and economic stability of families in the novel.
    • Hiring Servants: It was also a common time for hiring new servants or renewing their contracts. This could affect the household operations and the dynamics between the family members and their staff.
  2. Seasonal Change:
    • Autumn Setting: The mention of Michaelmas situates part of the novel in autumn, a season often associated with change and transition. This can be symbolic of the personal and relational developments occurring within the story, such as evolving relationships and shifting social standings.
  3. Cultural Practices:
    • Feasting and Social Gatherings: Michaelmas was a time for feasts and social events. In “Pride and Prejudice,” social gatherings are central to the plot, providing settings for character interactions, courtships, and the unfolding of social dramas.
    • Eating Goose: The traditional Michaelmas goose was believed to bring financial luck. References to such customs can add depth to the setting and highlight the cultural practices of the time.

Specific Reference in “Pride and Prejudice”:

In the novel, Mr. Bingley mentions that he is considering returning to Netherfield in time for Michaelmas. This mention is significant as it sets a timeline for his return and the subsequent social interactions that will occur. For the Bennet family, especially for Jane Bennet, this is a critical moment because Mr. Bingley’s presence at Netherfield directly influences their romantic prospects and social standing.


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