Puppy love (少年不成熟的恋爱) /school-yard crush (校园恋爱):
Cause a scene:制造混乱场面
Come clean:向某人担白/说出真相
Resort to extreme measures: 诉诸于极端的方式
We’re hoping for a minute of your time. 正式用语
They found letters in his room, letters from Julie.
Paul figured that Julie knows his son’s whereabouts.
Twisting someone’s arms
Been through hell:
Chop up: 切成小块、剁碎
Of all the stupid, boneheaded decisions, what were you thinking? 介词短语提前,用于强调。
Set up:陷害
I can’t decide which is more humiliating, the fact that my son got caught with pot in his locker or that he can’t even come up with a decent enough lie to explain it.
Andrew figured out that it has something to do with his mother.
Gaby believe that there’s excellent chance Helen would inform Carlos of his wife’s extramarital activities.
Coming clean was not one of someone’s specialties.
Newsflash: 简讯、快讯
Turn sb in:告发某人
Premise: 住所
Government expense
People are complicated creatures, on the one hand, able to perform great acts of charity, on the other, capable of the most underhanded forms of betrayal.
It’s constant battle that rages within all of us, between the better angles of our nature, and the temptation of our inner demons, and sometimes the only way to ward off the darkness is to shine the light of compassion.
We have Mr. Positive and Mr. Negative doing constant battle in our head, guess who wins? The one we feed the most!
Lynette 为了调整自己的状态,跟老公Tom发出了最后通牒,(big commitment)不管代价多大,保姆是非请不可,不惜挖人家的墙角以解燃之急。
Gaby 为了填补内心的空虚,开始羡慕医院护士的充实富足的生活,终于动起了搞慈善的念头 get the charity bug;与此同时,还指望继续背着老公与园丁干着苟合之事。
Susan 对昔日好姐妹的儿子Zach的遭遇不管不顾,甚至还遏制女儿断了与其交往的念想;一方面又表露出了对Gaby遭遇的同情。
初中级: 先听–>> 看剧情
造句:make a sentence (30-50字单词1-2个高频短语、100字 3-5个高频短语)
Team-up activities
Life is a journey, one that is much better travelled with a companion by our side.
Lynette 为了调整自己的状态,跟老公Tom发出了最后通牒,不管代价多大,保姆是非请不可,不惜挖人家的墙角以解燃之急。
Gaby 为了填补内心的空虚,开始羡慕医院护士的充实富足的内心,终于动起了搞慈善的念头;与此同时,背着老公与园丁干着苟合之事。
Susan 对昔日好姐妹的儿子Zach的遭遇不管不顾,甚至还遏制女儿断了与其交往的念想;一方面又表露出了对Gaby遭遇的同情。
Determined to save her son from losing trace of humanity, Bree conducted her desperate act, putting marijuana into Andrew’s locker and telling on him anonymously, thus to sooth her impeccable moral compass, as a result, she buried her son’s future herself no matter how strongly her husband Rex was opposing.
For the sake of alleviating her tremendous workload of taking care of her family, Lynette made her ultimatums that she has to resort to external assistance, which is to hire a full-time nanny, then she took advantage of Bree’s expertise, and finally secured a high-grade nanny even though at the risk of being called unseemly.
Although her treacherous affair has been cut short by Juanita’s tragic accident, Gaby is now more anxious than ever, on the one hand, she is seeking for something exciting and meaningful to satisfy her vanity, on the other, she grabs every chance to fill the hole in her heart as if a moth tirelessly heading into the bright side, regardless it is a spotlight or campfire.
Susan didn’t show any compassion to Zach, the son of her so-called great sister Marry Alice, moreover, she strongly encourages Junie to cut ties with Zach, which her deceased friend Marry would turning over in her grave to witness such betrayal of trust. However, she reached out to Gaby after she leant the news that Carlos was arrested by police.
Whether we believe it or not, the world is a vanity Fair, and it has two set of rules, if you look on the bright, there’re full of decent men and elegant women all over the world doing honorable things with a noble course. but if we dive deeper into the dark side, it turns out the same people we saw on the bright side, would take advantage of all the measures at their disposal to pull a wool over our eyes, preventing us from figuring out their underhanded forms of hoax, defraud and betrayal. by which I mean dignifying themselves on the outside, while belittling others on the inside, to make matters worse, sacrificing others on the altar of their so-called ambition in exchange for their endless ill-gotten gains.
初中级的水平,stick to the single show that ,不建议练习作文,以结合短语手册造句为主,将重要精力放到听剧、看剧上面,如果不能坚持,有我的直播间和一群志趣相同的人与你共同赏鉴。
中高级的水平:组队学习:Life is a journey. One that is much better traveled with a companion by our side.