Taking my herb remedy
The covid-19 is raging on
Pull myself together
Mental institution: 精神病院
One of those days:depressed, frustrated, mopey
The comedown is a really bitch.
Help sb get over the hump:帮某人度过难关
Deeply troubled: 问题、麻烦很大
Flee away: 逃离出来
Harbor [‘hɑːbə] :窝藏
Informative / valuable
Low-down:something valuable that requires you make an effort to dig it up.
Gathering place:聚集地
Upscale:A-list /high-grade/upscale/high-class
Charge:A person, especially a child, who is in your care and who someone is responsible for. (小主人)
Lynette’s social circle is limited.
She wants to secure a desirable high-grade nanny.
Cheap and low: foodie not accountable
Dizzy: dozing off during the daytime not reliable
Making a connection:对上眼的
Sunny / sweet/ kind / responsible/ friendly/ considerate / thoughtful /caring /reliable
I couldn’t help but notice how wonderful you’re with those children.
Urinator:formal_ take a pee
I want you to pull him off from the swim team.
Take sb off somewhere:将某人从某处撤下
Not…just because… 口语里面经常用的强调句
Not…as/so long as…
Just because…doesn’t… / Doesn’t…just because…
我看你是不到黄河心不死/不撞南墙不回头 。
It seems(that)you’re not gonna give in until you hit the dead-end.
You’re not gonna make it, not as long as I live.
Deconstruct:拆解 assemble:拼装
Go through the mind-ritual
Don’t assume that I have no disposition just because I’m open to persuasion.
Just because you’ve got someone hold your back, doesn’t mean you’ve got the free rein / can do whatever you do.
You’re not gonna nail the English language, not as long as you failed to practice/ give it a try.
省略句与扩展句 (加、减)— 强调 / 弱化 /省略(低调陈述)
Take advantage of the fundamental and essential elements of the show.
Molly-coddle/ spoil:
Way up the balance:
There’s a love called letting go, and there’s love called molly-coddle.
Push sb around / order sb around:
Fight sb on sth:
Make a clear break:
Escalate: 升级、升高、扩大化
Same thing you just did to every memory I have of our marriage.
Devote oneself into sth /steep oneself into/ dedicate oneself into sth
Freak out:惊讶 / 气极败坏
Run away with sb:
Mow the lawn
You’re not mature enough to have a realistic perspective on this relationship.
Fundraise:筹钱 — 给医院的护士增加人员
Hosting the fundraise event
Folding chairs:折叠椅
Fill in:填补空挡
Back out:退出
Look on the bright side:双关语
If someone has gone through trying times, you can say this phrase “look on the bright side.”
Tom is under spotlight
Dorky Charm:生活大爆炸
Audience/ user/ customer-friendly:
Slutty / predatory
She thinks that Susan is going to upstage her/ steal her thunder.
Line up—队列秩序
Come clear /make a confession
Exquisite /delicate: 精致的、细腻的
Devastatingly: In a way that causes a lot of damage or destruction; or has a very powerful effect that makes people very shocked.
令人窒息的 / 魅力四射的/ 艳压群芳的 / 最具杀伤力的/ 惊艳四座 /
华美靓丽的:radiant 无与伦比的:impeccable
Festive /festival:
Helen Caused a scene:
Dignified: to make sth one notch above. (往好的、高尚的、重要的方面去铺设)
Keep you hands off / Stay away from my son:
Chiffon:A very thin, almost transparent cloth of silk and nylon. 雪纺面料