Roll the dice (with someone)it means to take a risk or chance with someone, often involving uncertain outcomes or consequences. (与某人一起冒险或承担风险,近义词:Throw in with someone)

以下是实用短语“Roll the dice”在日常口语及商务语境中的相关例句:

E.G.1:He decided to roll the dice with her on the new business venture, putting all his eggs in one basket, throwing caution to the wind, and hoping they would hit the jackpot.

E.G.2:They knew they were rolling the dice with each other by starting a relationship, but they chose to take the plunge, let their guard down, and see if they could beat the odds together.


E.G.3:By rolling the dice with him on the project, she was betting on his potential, pushing her luck, and taking a leap of faith despite the obvious risks.

以下是实用短语“Roll the dice”在美剧语料库中的相关例句:

Your honor, can I sidebar with opposing counsel?  We can roll the dice with the jury,  but I’d rather settle. (Suits S01E05 34:05)

But you’ve bound yourself at the hip to a man who has zero political capital. And if he gets convicted, we all go to jail. There’s no pardon for anyone. — I’ll roll the dice. (HOC S02E13 18:29)

If I get shot or stabbed consoling two grieving parents, I’m a hero from now until the end of time. Let’s roll the dice. Shall we? Sir, I can’t allow you to go unescorted into all those people. (HOC S01E03 18:02)


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