These days, with the ruckus and chaos raging on in this country and the cold-war brewing from the outside world, I share the comedown and depression, fearing that we’re already desperate enough, we need to be cured from head to toe, So we need a change of heart, therefore, I’m planning to suspend the Desperate Housewives saga for a while, and provide you guys with something refreshing, something inviting and something lightens the heart and comforts the soul.


A fanmade video of Moon River Song: Moon River performed by Audrey Hepburn Films: Sabrina (Audrey Hepburn, Humphrey Bogart) Funny Face (Audrey Hepburn, Fred Astaire)

I do not own the music nor the clips. NO copyright infringement intended.  Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the copyright act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favour of fair use.

影视导读:说起奥黛丽•赫本 ,很多人就想起经典的《罗马假日》,其实《蒂凡尼的早餐》才是赫本所有影片中上座率最高的一部。该片中,赫本将一个既肉感又纯真的高级伴游女郎扮演得丝丝入扣,影片的主题曲《月亮河》赢得奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖,而赫本坐在防火梯上弹着吉他缓缓吟唱这首歌的镜头,成为电影史上最令人难以忘怀的一幕。

剧情简介:清晨的纽约街头,相貌清丽的女子霍莉(奥黛丽·赫本 Audrey Hepburn饰)在橱窗前徜徉,她就是纽约上流社会的交际花。对金钱和物质的崇拜,同时却不失天真善良的霍莉,就像是纽约的“茶花女”,靠着每小时五十、一百的费用来获得交际收入。在她心里,还有一个重要的目标,那就是嫁得金龟婿。

霍莉的新邻居是一个作家保罗(乔治·佩帕德 George Peppard饰),梦想着成名,却也是依靠富太太的供给度日。遇见霍莉的保罗堕入情网,千方百计让霍莉过回正常生活,并向她求婚。然而,霍莉似乎并不愿意,在她心中,嫁给这么一个人,放弃她之前的努力,未免太不值。然而,霍莉在寻找幸福路上跌跌撞撞,直到有一天才突然明白了幸福的含义。

1–Hey, baby. What’s going on here? 宝贝  怎么了

2–Oh, hi. 你好

3–Miss Golightly. 高小姐

4–Some day. Some day. 终有一天  终有一天

5–Miss Golightly. 高小姐

6–What happened to you, anyway? 怎么了

7–You take off for the powder room and that’s the last I see you. 你到化妆间后 我便再没见过你

8—Now, really, Harry. -Harry was the other guy. – 亨利  现在  -我不是亨利

9–I’m Sid. Sid Arbuck. You like me, remember? 我是艾锡德  你喜欢我的  记得吗

10–Miss Golightly, I protest! 高小姐  我抗议

11–Oh, darling, I am sorry, but I lost my key.亲爱的  对不起  但我遗失了钥匙

12–But that was two weeks ago.你两周前才遗失过钥匙

13–You cannot go on and keep ringing my bell. 你不能老按我的门铃

14–You disturb me! You must have a key made! 你骚扰我  你要再配一把钥匙

15–But it won’t do any good. I just lose them all. 没用的  我会把它全部遗失

16–Come on, baby. You like me. You know you do. 宝贝  你知道你喜欢我的

17–I worship you, Mr. Arbuck, 我很仰慕你  艾先生

18—but good night, Mr. Arbuck. -Baby, wait a minute. What is this? – 但是晚安了  艾先生  -宝贝  等等  这算什么

19–You like me. I’m a liked guy. 你喜欢我  我很受欢迎的

20–You like me, baby. You know you do. 你知道你是喜欢我的  宝贝

21–Didn’t I pick up the check for five people? 我替你五位朋友结帐

22–Your friends. I’ve never seen them before. 你的朋友  我不认识他们

23–And when you asked for a little change for the powder room 你跟我要零钱上化妆室时

24–what do I give you? A $50 bill. 我给了你50元

25–Now doesn’t that give me some rights? 难道这样我还没有资格

26–In 30 seconds I going to call the police! 30秒后我便报警

27–All the time disturbance! I get no sleep! 老在骚扰我  我睡不了

28–I got to get my rest! I’m an artist! 我要好好休息  我是艺术家

29–I am going to call the vice squad on you! 我要找风化小组来抓你

A vice squad is a police division which focuses on moral crimes like gambling, narcotics [nɑː’kɒtɪks](麻醉毒品;麻醉剂), pornography, the sex trade, and illegal sales of alcohol, in contrast with crimes like fraud, murder, and so forth. Vice squads can be found in many urban areas, where a high incidence of such crimes makes a dedicated squad necessary, and sometimes smaller police departments will form temporary vice task forces to deal with rising rates of such crimes. The size of these squads can vary widely, depending on the size of the department and the amount of coverage required. (注:Vice这个词作为名词用时,指恶癖,恶习,不道德行为)

Things like gambling, pornography, and alcohol are not necessarily inherently illegal, but they are closely regulated. Vice squads are charged with investigating situations in which the line into illegality may be crossed, such as pornography with underaged performers, illegal gambling operations, and the sale of alcohol to minors. In some cases, an officer may be sent undercover to investigate the situation, as these moral crimes are notoriously difficult to track down and prosecute; undercover officers may work for weeks, months, or even years to build a case.

Strict laws prohibit the sale of narcotics and participation in the sex trade in many regions of the world, making it easier to identify criminals. In some regions, both of these crimes are extremely common, and vice squads may feel like they are repeating themselves with series of raids, arrests, and prosecutions. The use of undercover officers is also common, with members posing as prostitutes or drug buyers to ensnare people who participate in these illegal activities.

Sometimes, the members of a vice unit work largely without supervision, with precinct administrators allowing the vice squad to have free rein. This can be dangerous at times, as vice squads may be vulnerable to corruption, especially when less experienced officers are involved. A great deal of money changes hands in the course of the commission of the vice crimes, and many criminals are happy to send some of that money in the direction of the vice squad with the understanding that the officers will look the other way.

The operations of the vice squad are also of great interest to some ordinary citizens. Television shows like Miami Vice have popularized the activities of these officers, making it seem like they are out on the streets undercover every night. In fact, as in other police divisions, members of the vice squad spend a lot of time in the office doing paperwork, waiting around for informants, or lying in wait fruitlessly at various criminal hot spots.

30–Don’t be angry, you dear little man, I won’t do it again. 亲爱的  别生气  我不会再犯

31–If you promise not to be angry, 若你答应不生气

32–I might let you take those pictures we mentioned. 我便让你拍照

33–When? 什么时候

34–Sometime. 改天吧

35–Anytime. 随时吧

36–Good night. 晚安

37–I’m sorry to bother you, but I couldn’t get the downstairs door open. 打扰你真对不起  但我打不开下面的门

38–I guess they sent me the upstairs key. 他们把楼上的钥匙给我

39–I couldn’t get the downstairs door open. 我打不开下面的门

40–I said, I guess they sent me the upstairs key. 我说  他们把楼上的钥匙给我

41–I couldn’t get the downstairs door open. I’m sorry to wake you. 我打不开下面的门  把你吵醒对不起

42–That’s quite all right.不要紧

43–It could happen to anyone, quite frequently does. Good night. 这种事常有发生的  晚安

44–I hate to. 我不想

45–I hate to bother you, but if I could ask one more favor, 我不想打扰你  但可再帮我个忙吗

46–could I use the phone?可以借电话一用吗


48–Why not?有何不可

49–Thank you.谢谢你

50–Well, this is你的家

51–a nice little place you’ve got here.蛮不错呢

52—You just moved in, too, huh? -No. I’ve been here about a year.-你也是刚搬来吗  -不  我已在这儿住了一年

53–The phone’s over there.电话在那边

54–Well, it was. 本来是的

55–Oh, I remember. 我记起了

56–I stuck (Stick的过去式)it in the suitcase. Kind of muffles the sound. 我把它塞在皮箱里  减少铃声

Muffle:deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping

57–I’m sorry.对不起

58—Is he all right? -Sure.-它没事吧  -没事的

59–Sure. He’s okay, aren’t you, cat? 猫咪  对不

60–Poor old cat.可怜的猫咪

61–Poor slob. Poor slob without a name. 没名字的可怜小懒鬼

62–The way I look at it, I don’t have the right to give him one. 我没权替它命名

63–We don’t belong to each other. We just took up by the river one day. 我们并不拥有对方  我们只是在河边勉强接纳了对方

Take up (with each other):become friendly with someone unsuitable.

if you take up an offer or a chanllenge, you accepet it.

if you take up sth such as a task or a story, you begin doing it after it has been interrupted or after someone else has begun it. (接手某事)


64–I don’t even want to own anything 在找到能够与周边的和谐共处的地方之前

65–until I find a place where me and things go together. 我不想拥有什么

66–I’m not sure where that is, but I know what it’s like. 我不知道它在哪儿  但我知道它是什么模样

67–It’s like Tiffany’s. 就像蒂凡尼

注:很多人会在纷乱之余为自己置留一片净士,以便“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”,也有很多人会在内心深处为孤独设想一个完美的陪伴,或许是某个让自己百看不厌的异性、或许是某个让内心满足安宁的物什,又或者是某个让自己轻松愉悦和激情澎湃的意境。显然,这个Miss Golightly属于后者,电影用最写意的画面和简单的文字诠释了浑然天成的唯美主义和理想主义,让人们对“Tiffiny”这个地方心驰神往。

68–Tiffany’s? You mean the jewelry store? 蒂凡尼  你说那蒂凡尼珠宝店

69–That’s right.对了

70–I’m crazy about Tiffany’s. 我很喜欢蒂凡尼

71–Listen. 听着

72–You know those days when you get the mean reds? 你遇过心绪不宁的时候

Mean reds:When you are afraid of something, but you don’t know what it is.

73–The mean reds? You mean like the blues? 你是说情绪忧郁

74–No. 不是

75–The blues are because you’re getting fat or maybe it’s been raining too long. 人胖了或下雨了  人才会忧虑伤感

76–You’re just sad, that’s all. 那只是伤感而已

77–The mean reds are horrible. 但心绪不宁更可怕

78–Suddenly you’re afraid and you don’t know what you’re afraid of. 你突然害怕而不知为何

79—Do you ever get that feeling? -Sure. – 你有过这种感觉吗  – 有过

80–Well, when I get it, the only thing that does any good 每当我心绪不宁时  我便乘计程车到蒂凡尼去

81–is to jump into a cab and go to Tiffany’s. 这是唯一有效的方法

82–Calms me down right away. 它能令我即时心安下来

注:Mean reds 不同于 malaise + anxiety [mə’leɪz] :莫名的不安 + 难以形容的焦郁 indefinable fear,比如年青人,尤其是大学生在象牙塔里呆了二年,感觉并没有学到一技傍身,并没有准备好面对社会,与能不能顺利拿到毕业证无关,他们会对这个的复杂的社会产生一种莫后的恐惧。再比如中年人,当你没有十足的把握时,你会对能不能轻松扛起肩上的重任、能不能绝对享有婚姻的忠诚、能不能保持健康强健的体魄有一种言状的害怕。在《绝望的主妇》第一季第三集的结尾处有这样一段话:

Narrator: Yes, I remember the world, every detail. 没错 我记得这个世界 每一个细节

——>> And what I remember most is how afraid I was. 而我记得最清楚的 是我曾经多么恐惧

——>> What a waste. 还真是浪费!

——>> You see, to live in fear is not to live at all. 恐惧的生活跟死了没什么区别

——>> I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, 我希望我可以把这些告诉那些活着的人

——>> but would it do any good? 但是有用吗

——>> Probably not. 或许不会

——>> I understand now 我现在终于明白

——>> there will always be those who face their fears… 总会有人能勇敢面对他们的恐惧

——>> And there will always be those who run away. 也总会有些人选择逃避

83–The quietness and the proud look of it. 它是那么宁静和高贵

84–Nothing very bad could happen to you there. 那儿不会发生什么不幸的事

85–If I could find a real-life place 若我能在现实生活中

86–that made me feel like Tiffany’s, then. 找到像蒂凡尼那样的地方

87–Then I’d buy some furniture and give the cat a name. 那么我会买点家具  还有替猫咪取个名字

88–I’m sorry. You wanted something.对不起  你要找点什么

注:绝望主妇的编剧向观众当头浇出一盆冷水,让人瞬间清醒和振作了起来;而Miss Golightly给出的答复则是找一处踏实自在的地方,让自己的心绪宁静、内心安稳,最近有人在拜读曹德旺的书,他每每遇到人生的重要关口时,都会到石竹山的寺庙求签问求卦。但我想提醒大家,我们不像曹德旺那样有靠山可以指点迷津,也不像Miss Golightly那样可以时不时地浮生偷得半日闲,找个去处放空自己,所以“We all have moments of desperation, if we face them head-on that’s when we find out just how strong we really are. ”

89–The telephone.电话

90–It’s just that I was supposed to meet somebody. 我跟别人有约

91–I mean, this is 10:00 Thursday morning, isn’t it? 现在是星期四早上十点吧

92–I just got off a plane from Rome and I’m not too sure. 我刚由罗马到这  所以不清楚

93–Thursday. Is this Thursday? 今天是星期四吗

94—I think so. -Thursday! Oh, no, it can’t be! -我猜是的  -星期四  不可能的

95–It’s too gruesome [‘ɡruːsəm]. 太可怕了

96–Well, what’s so gruesome about Thursday? 星期四有什么可怕的

97–Nothing, except I can never remember when it’s coming up. 没什么  我只是常记不起哪天是星期四

98–Wednesdays, I generally just don’t go to bed at all, 我通常不在星期三晚睡觉的

99–because I have to be up to catch the 10:45. 因为我要赶十点三刻的火车

100–And they’re so particular about visiting hours. 他们很严守探望的时间

101–Would you be a darling and look under the bed 请替我在床下找一对

102–and see if you can find a pair of alligator shoes? 鳄鱼皮皮鞋吧

注意学会这种方式的问句:Oh, would you be a lamb and go out the back? (绝望的主妇 S01E10 02:33)

Everything is fabulous. – But would you be a dear and get me some more wine? (绝望的主妇 S05E02 32:30)

Would you be a dummy and let me finished my statement?

Would you be a gentlemen and carry the bags for me?

103–Sure. 好的

104–I’ve got to do something about the way I look. 我要好好打扮一下

105–I mean, a girl just can’t go to Sing Sing with a green face. 女孩不能一脸病容的到新新监狱去

106–Sing Sing? 新新监狱

107–Yes, I always thought it was a ridiculous name for a prison.替监狱取这个名字实在太可笑

108–Sing Sing, I mean. It sounds more like it should be an opera house or something.新新像歌剧院的名字

109–Black alligator.黑色鳄鱼皮皮鞋

110–You know, all the visitors make an effort to look their best. It’s only fair.所有访客都悉心打扮  实在太好了

111–Actually, it’s very touching, all the women wearing their prettiest things.真感人  所有女士都穿上漂亮的衣服

112–I just love them for it. And I love the kids, too.我也喜欢那些孩子

113–I mean the kids the wives bring. 我指那些太太带去的小孩

114–It should be sad seeing kids there, but it isn’t. 在监狱看到孩子该不好受  但我没有

115–They all have ribbons in their hair and lots of shine on their shoes. 他们头上结了蝴蝶结  鞋子擦得锃亮

116–You’d think there was going to be ice cream. 你还以为会有雪糕派发呢

117–Now, as I understand it, what we’re doing is getting you ready 你预备到新新监狱

118—to visit somebody at Sing Sing. -That’s right. – 探访朋友吗  -对

119–You can always tell what kind of person a man really thinks you are 你能从男人送你的耳环知道

120–by the earrings he gives you. 他对你有何看法

121–I must say, the mind reels. 我必须得说:这让人感到震惊和困惑

Reel:If you reel, or your mind or brain reels, you feel very confused or shocked and unable to act:

122–May I ask whom? 请问是谁

123–Whom what? Oh, whom I go to visit, you mean? 什么  你是说我探访谁

124–I guess that’s what I mean. 我是这个意思

125–I don’t know that I should even discuss it. 我不知道应否谈论此事

126–Well, they never told me not to tell anyone. 但他们没有吩咐我要保密

127–You must cross your heart and kiss your elbow. 你要发誓保守秘密,要不然的话,你会立马变成女的。

Cross one’s heart:used to stress that one is telling the truth and will do what he or she promises.

Kiss one’s elbow:It’s mostly used by girls to tease boys. “If you kiss your elbow you change into a girl” . The near physical impossibility of kissing your own elbow is one of the more unusual parts of this childhood mythology [mɪ’θɒlədʒi]. According to the legends, a peck to the elbow would bring about an instantaneous [ˌɪnstən’teɪniəs] sex change.

It means to make a promise not to tell something.And then if you do tell you will change your gender right away……

Corss my heart and hope to die

美国流行摇滚乐队魔力红(Maroon 5)近几年来放送了大量在世界范围内流行的爆红单曲,其中一首音乐One More Night 中有这样一句话: I cross my heart and I hope to die,that I’ll only stay with you one more night.


认真查了才知道,其实这是一句俚语,和我理解的大相径庭。不只是Maroon 5,梦龙乐队、英国死核乐队、小甜甜布莱尼、霍尔西、麦当娜,猫王都曾经在作品中用过这句话,所以可以算是一个不太冷门的俚语哦~

其实 cross my heart 和 hope to die 这两句话都有“承诺”的意思,cross my heart 的起源为基督教人们发誓的时候,会在胸前画十字;而 hope to die 并没有希望任何人死的意思,可以理解为“我以死起誓”。这两句话放在一起,可想而知这个承诺的重要性了~


在绝望的主妇里面也有类似的习语表达:“So help me (God),原意指对天发誓。”

And if any of you acts up, so help me, I will call Santa and I will tell him you want socks for Christmas.

The phrase “So help me God” is prescribed in oaths as early as the Judiciary Act of 1789, for U.S. officers other than the President. The act makes the semantic distinction between an affirmation and an oath. The oath, religious in essence, includes the phrase “so help me God” and “[I] swear”.

128–I’ll try. 好的

129–You probably read about him. His name’s Sally Tomato. 你也许听说过他的消息  他是沙利.特梅托

130–Sally Tomato? 沙利.特梅托

131–Well, don’t look so shocked. 别那样震惊

132–They could never prove for a second 没人能证明他是黑手党

133–that he was even part of the Mafia [‘mæfiə] , much less head of it, my dear. 更遑论(谈不上)他是黑手党首领  亲爱的

134–The only thing they did prove was that he cheated his income tax a little. 他只是隐瞒入息税而已

135–Anyway, all I know is that he’s a darling old man. 我只知道他是个可爱的老头子

136–Oh, he was never my lover or anything like that. 他不是我的情人

137–In fact, I never knew him until after he was in prison. 事实上  他坐牢后我才认识他

138–But I adore him now. 但我现在很喜欢他了

139–I mean, I’ve been going to see him every Thursday for seven months. 这七个月来  我每个星期四都去探望他

140–Now I think I’d go even if he didn’t pay me. 即使他不给我钱  我也会探望他

141—Shoes. -I could only find one .- 鞋子  -我只找到一只

142–He pays you? 他给你钱吗

143–That’s right. Or anyway his lawyer does. 应该说是他的律师给我钱

144–If he is a lawyer, which I doubt, since he doesn’t seem to have an office, 我怀疑他是不是律师

145–only an answering service. 只能透过电话代接站找他

146–And he always wants to meet you at Hamburger Heaven. 我们只相约在汉堡天堂见面

147–There you are, you sneak. Thank you. 鞋子在这儿  谢谢你

148–You’re welcome. 别客气

149–Dress. 裙子

150–Here we are. Bag and a hat, too. 在这儿  手袋  还有帽子

151–There we are. 在那儿

152–Anyway, about seven months ago, this so-called lawyer, Mr. O’Shaughnessy, 那所谓律师奥沙赫内斯西(奥内西)  七个月前问我

153–asked me how I’d like to cheer up a lonely old man, 是否有兴趣讨一个孤单的老头高兴

154–and pick up $100 a week at the same time. 每周可赚一百元

155–I told him, “Look, darling, you’ve got the wrong Holly Golightly.” 我跟他说  你找错人了

156–A girl can do as well as that on trips to the powder room. 女孩上一趟化妆室便赚到这钱

157–I mean, any gentleman with the slightest chic 任何绅士会给女孩

158–will give a girl a $50 bill for the powder room. 50元上化妆室

159–And I always ask for cab fare, too. That’s another $50. 还有50元计程车费

160–But then he said his client was Sally Tomato. 跟着他说代表沙利.特梅托找我

161–He said dear old Sally had seen me at Elmo’s or somewhere, 他在埃尔默看过我

162–and had admired me a la distance. 远远一看便已钟情

at a distance ⧫ from a distance

163–So wouldn’t it be a good deed if I were to visit him once a week? 我能每周探望他一次也算是在做好事!

164–Well, how could I say no? It was all so wildly romantic. 我怎能拒绝  这事太浪漫了

165–How do I look? 我打扮得如何

166–Very good. I must say I’m amazed. 很漂亮  我也为你着迷

167–You were a darling to help, I could never have done it without you. 还是多得你帮忙

168—Bag. -Call me anytime. – 手袋  – 随时找我

169–I’m just upstairs, or I will be as soon as I get moved in. 我住在楼上  或者说我稍后便会搬来

170–Bye, cat. 猫咪  再见

171–You mean he gives you $100 for an hour’s conversation? 你和他见面一小时  他便给你100元

172–Well, Mr. O’Shaughnessy does as soon as I meet him 只要我把天气报告交给奥内西

173–and give him the weather report. 他便给我钱

174–Look, it’s none of my business, but it sounds to me, 这事与我无关

175–like you could get in a lot of trouble. 但你会惹上麻烦

176–Hold this for me, will you? 请替我拿着  好吗

177–And what do you mean, “weather report”? 天气报告是什么

178–Oh, that’s just a message I give Mr. O’Shaughnessy.那只是我给奥西力的口讯

179–So he’ll know I’ve really been up there. 证明我曾探访过他的口讯

180–Sally tells me things to say like, 沙利会说

181–“There’s a hurricane in Cuba” “古巴刮起风暴”

182–and, “It’s cloudy over Palermo.” Things like that. “巴勒莫天阴”  诸如此类

183–You don’t have to worry. I’ve taken care of myself for a long time. 别担心  我一直都是自己照顾自己

184–Taxi! 计程车

185—I never could do that. -It’s easy. – 我不懂这个  – 很容易的

186–Paul. 保罗

187–I’m late. I know it. 我迟到了  我知道

188–Don’t tell me you were locked out? Didn’t you get the key? 别说你进不了门  你没拿钥匙吗

189–Oh, darling. I’m so sorry. 亲爱的  真对不起

190–No, I got the key, all right. 不  我有钥匙

191–Miss Golightly, my neighbor, was kind enough to let me in.邻居高小姐开门让我进来

192–Miss Golightly’s on her way to Sing Sing.高小姐要到新新监狱去

193–Just visiting, of course.当然是去探监啊

194–Miss Golightly, Mrs. Failenson, my decorator.高小姐  这是费拉逊太太  是我的室内设计师

195—How do you do? -How do you do?-你好吗  -你好吗

196–Darling. Let me look at you.亲爱的  让我看看你

197—Are you through? -Was the flight absolutely ghastly?-你不要车吗  -那旅程很糟吧

198–I’m in a terrible rush.我很匆忙

199–Grand Central Station, and step on it, darling.请到大中央车站  开快点  亲爱的

200–Is it really only three weeks since I left you in Rome?我们真只分别了三周吗

201–Seems like years.好像过了几年呢

202—You seen the apartment? -Not yet.-你看过房间了吗  -还没有

203–I know it was wicked of me, but I couldn’t resist.我知道这样做很坏

204–I went ahead and fixed it up without you.但我自行决定替你装修了

205–I think it’s darling of course,我认为装修得很好

206–but if you absolutely hate it, we can rip everything up and start from scratch.若你不喜欢  我们可以再重新装修

207–Miss Golightly! 高小姐老是这样子

208–Hey, baby! Where you going? 宝贝  你到哪儿去

209–Come on, baby. Open the door. 宝贝  快开门

210–Be a pal. 像个好朋友一样

211–You’re breaking up a beautiful party. 你破坏了这精彩的派对

212–Come on, baby. Open the door. 宝贝  快开门

213–Hey, the band’s swinging. 乐队正奏得起劲

214–Come on, baby. 宝贝  来吧

215–Miss Golightly. Once again, I must protest! 高小姐  我再次抗议

216–If you don’t stop that phonograph right this minute, 若你不把唱机关掉

217–I’m going to call the police department! 我便会叫警察

218–Yeah. That’s more better. 对了  这才像样

219–What’s the matter, baby? 宝贝  怎么了

220–Come on. You’re a great kid. Open the door. 快点  你是乖孩子  快开门

221–Come on, baby. I’m waiting for you. 宝贝  我在等你呢

222—It’s all right. It’s only me. -Now, wait a minute. Miss. – 没事的  是我  – 慢着  小姐

223–Golightly. Holly Golightly. 我是高霍莉

224–I live downstairs. We met this morning, remember? 我住在楼下  我们今早见过面  记得吗

225–Yeah. 是的

226–It’s all right. She’s gone. 别担心  她走了

227–I must say, she works late hours for a decorator. 她这室内设计师也工作得真晚

228–The thing is, I have the most terrifying man downstairs. 我家楼下有个个可怕的家伙

229–I mean, he’s sweet when he isn’t drunk, 他不喝醉时人也不错

230–but let him start lapping up the vino, and oh, golly, quel beast. 但他一喝酒便不得了  像头野兽

231–It finally got so tiresome down there, I just went out the window. 我觉得很厌倦  于是由窗子偷走出来

232–Look, you can throw me out if you want to, 若你不喜欢可把我赶走

233–but you did look so cozy in here, and your decorator friend had gone home, 但你在被窝里很舒服的样子  而你的朋友又走了

234–and it was beginning to get a bit cold out there on the fire escape. 防火道又越来越冷

235–And I always heard people in New York 听说纽约人

236–never get to know their neighbors. 与邻居互不往来

237–Well, how was Sing Sing? 新新监狱之行如何

238–Fine. 很好

239–I made the train and everything. 我赶上了火车

240–And what’s the weather report? 天气报告呢

241–“Small-craft warnings Block Island to Hatteras.” “由布洛克岛往哈特勒斯有航行警报”

242–Whatever that means. 不管那是何解

243–You know, you’re sweet. You really are .你很好  真的

244–And you look a little like my brother Fred. 你有点像我的弟弟费特

245–Do you mind if I call you Fred? 你介意我称你为费特吗

246–Not at all. 不介意

247–$300, she’s very generous. 300元  她真慷慨

248–Is it by the week, the hour or what? 是周薪  时薪  还是什么

249–Okay, the party’s over. Out. 好了  派对结束了  走吧

250–Oh, Fred. Darling Fred, I’m sorry. 亲爱的费特  对不起

251–I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Don’t be angry. 我无意伤害你的  别生气

252–I was just trying to let you know I understand. 我只想你知道我明白你的情况

253–I understand completely. 我完全明白

254–It’s okay, stick around. Make yourself a drink. 好吧  留下来好了

255–Throw me my robe and I’ll make you one. 把袍子给我  我给你弄点喝的

256–You stay right where you are. 你留在床上

257–You must be absolutely exhausted. 你一定很累了

258–I mean, it is very late, 已经很晚了

259–and you were sound asleep and everything. 你刚才还睡熟呢

260–I suppose you think I’m very brazen or tres fou or something. 你以为我厚着脸皮或是疯子吧

261–I don’t think you’re any fouer than anybody else. 你不比别人疯

262–Yes, you do. Everybody does. And I don’t mind. 你是那样想的  我不介意

263–It’s useful being top banana in the shock department. 当顶尖的疯子也是件好事

264–What do you do, anyway? 你做什么工作

265—I’m a writer, I guess. -You guess? Don’t you know? – 我猜我是个作家吧  – 你猜  难道你不知道

266–Okay. Positive statement. Ringing affirmative. 好吧  肯定语句

267–I’m a writer. 我是作家

268–The only writer I’ve ever been out with is Benny Shacklett. 我只跟过一个作家约会  那就是萨宾利

269–He’s written an awful lot of television stuff, but quel rat. 他写过不少电视剧  但是个小人

270–Tell me, are you a real writer? 告诉我  你是个真正的作家吗

271–I mean, does anybody buy what you write or publish it or anything?别人会买你的书  或替你出版作品吗

272–They bought what’s in that box.他们买箱子里的东西


274–All these books? 这堆书吗

275–Well, there’s just the one book.那只有一本书

276–Twelve copies of it.只是十二本相同的书

277–“Nine Lives by Paul Varjak.””九命  韦保罗著”

278–They’re stories.短篇小说

279–Nine of them.共九篇

280–Tell me one.说一个给我听

281–They’re not the kind of stories you can really tell. 那不是可以说的故事

282–Too dirty? 太猥琐吗

283–Yeah, I suppose they’re dirty, too, but only incidentally.是的  但只是偶尔才出现

284–Mainly they’re angry, sensitive, intensely felt,主要是愤怒  敏感  热情

285–and that dirtiest of all dirty words, promising.最猥琐的还是  前途无限

286–Or so said The Times Book Review, October 1st, 1956.这是1956年10月1日的时报书评中写的

287—1956? -That’s right.-1956年  -是的

288–I suppose this is kind of a ratty question, but what have you written lately?这问题有点卑鄙  你最近写过什么作品

289–Lately I’ve been working on a novel.我最近正在写小说

290—Lately, since 1956? -Well, a novel takes a long time. -最近  自从1956年起吗  -写小说很花时间

291—I want to get it exactly right. -So no more stories. -我不想有差误  -不写短篇小说了

292–Well, the idea is 我的观点是:

293–I’m supposed to not fritter my talent away on little things. 我不该把天分浪费在小事上

Frritter sth away:to waste money, time, or an opportunity in a slow and usually foolish way. (把某事慢慢浪费消磨掉,尤其是以愚昧的方式)

294–I’m supposed to be saving it for the big one. 我该把它留起来干大事

Miss.Golightly:Tell me, do you write every day? 告诉我 你每天都写作吗


Miss.Golightly:Today?  今天呢

Paul:Sure.  也有写

Miss.Golightly:It’s a beautiful typewriter. 这打字机好棒

Paul:Of course. 当然了

——>> It writes nothing but sensitive, intensely felt, promising prose [prəʊz (散文)] .它只写敏感 、热情和前途无限的文章

Miss.Golightly:But there’s no ribbon [‘rɪbən] in it. 但它没有色带

301—There isn’t? -No.-没有吗  -没有

Paul:You know, something you said this morning has been bothering me all day. 你今早说的话令我整天不安

Miss.Golightly:What’s that? 哪些话

305–Do they really give you $50 whenever you go to the powder room? 他们真的给你50块钱上化妆室吗

306–Of course. 当然了

307–You must do very well. 你一定做得很好

308–I’m trying to save, but I’m not very good at it. 我尝试储蓄  但我并不成功

309–You know, you do look a lot like my brother Fred. 你很像我的弟弟费特

310–I haven’t seen him, of course, since I was 14. That’s when I left home.十四岁后  我便再没见他  我在那年离家

311–And he was already 6’2″. 他那时已有6尺2寸高

312–I guess it must have been the peanut butter that did it. 一定是花生酱的功效

313–Everybody thought he was dotty the way he gorged himself on peanut butter. 他狼吞花生酱的样子令大家以为他是疯子

Dotty  [‘dɒti]eccentric [ɪk’sentrɪk] or slightly mad.   Gorge [ɡɔːdʒ]:eat a large amount greedily. (狼吞虎咽)

314–But he wasn’t dotty. 但他可不疯

315–Just sweet and vague and terribly slow. 他很可爱  有点茫然和很迟钝

316–Poor Fred. He’s in the army now.可怜的费特  他正当兵

317–It’s really the best place for him until I can get enough money saved.在我储到足够的钱前  当兵是最佳的选择

318—And then? -And then Fred and I.-然后呢  -然后费特和我

319–I went to Mexico once.我曾到过墨西哥

320–It’s a wonderful place for raising horses.那儿很适合养马

321–I saw one place near the sea 我见过一个近海的地方

322–Fred’s very good with horses.费特很擅长养马

323–But even land in Mexico costs something.但在墨西哥买地也要花点钱

324–And no matter what I do, there never seems to be more than 银行户口里的钱

325–a couple of hundred dollars in the bank.总是不足数百元

326–It can’t be 4:30. 已经四点半了

327–It just can’t. 不可能的

328–Do you mind if I just get in with you for a minute? 你介意让我跟你睡一会儿吧

329–It’s all right. Really, it is. 不会有事的

330–We’re friends, that’s all. 我们只是朋友而已

331–We are friends, aren’t we?我们是朋友  对不



334–Let’s don’t say another word. 别再说话了

335–Let’s just go to sleep. 好好睡觉吧

336–Where are you, Fred? 费特  你在哪儿

337–Because it’s cold. 因为这儿很冷

338–There’s snow and wind. 风里飘着雪

339–What is it? What’s the matter? 怎么了

340–Why are you crying?你为什么哭

341–If we’re going to be friends, let’s just get one thing straight right now. 若我们真的要成为朋友  先弄清楚一件事

342–I hate snoops. 我讨厌别人探听我的事

Snoop:to look around a place secretly, in order to discover things or find out information about someone or something. (翻找东西、打探信息)

343—Yeah. -Lucille, darling? 2-E.-喂  -露西  这是2E

344–I’ve been trying desperately to reach you.我一直在找你

345–Bill just got back.比尔回来了

346–A day early, the beast.那家伙早一天回来

347–So I’m afraid I’ll have to beg off. 恐怕我不能来了

Beg off:to ask to be excused from something that you are expected to do. (请辞)

348–You’ll explain to the rest of the girls? 请代我跟其他太太们说一声

349–You’re a darling. 你真好

350–Maybe we can have a long lunch tomorrow. 明天相约吃午餐吧

351–I’ll phone you in the morning. 我明早再找你

352–Whatever you say. 随你喜欢吧

353–And you will manage to survive without me tonight? 我不来行吗


355–I might even take a wild, boyish fling at writing.我可以尽情写作

Take a fling at sth:to try (something) without being very serious about it or without worrying about whether or not it will succeed.

Boyish [‘bɔɪɪʃ]:男孩似的,适于男孩的,孩子般的

356—Good night. -Good night. 晚安  晚安

357–You got yourself stuffed, huh, Polly, baby? 被制成标本吗

358–Serves you right, big mouth. 活该  大嘴鸟

359—Buongiorno. -Huh? 你好  -什么

360–Aren’t you drinking? 你喝不喝酒

361–You got pockets there or something? What do you go by? 你把它藏在口袋吗?

What do you go by?:It’s like asking “What do you prefer to be called?” My first name is Alexander, but someone might ask me “What do you go by?” and I’ll say “I prefer Alex”.

362–What’s your name? What’s your name? What do you call yourself? 你叫什么名字,你尊姓大名!

363—Irving. -Perfect. Perfect. 艾云  – 很好听的名字

364–That’s wonderful, Irving. 艾云宝贝

365–I’ll be right back, Irving, baby. 我很快回来  艾云宝贝

366–Yeah? Whoa! Kid’s still in the shower. You expected?小家伙还在浴室里  她知道你会来吗

367–I was invited. That what you mean? 我是应邀  你是指这个吧

368–Now don’t get yourself all tense and sore, pal. Come on in. 别那么紧张不安的  进来

369–It’s a party. There’s a lot of characters come around here, they’re not expected. 很多人都是不请自来的

370–I’ll buy you a drink. You drink? 要喝点什么 你喝酒吧

371—Yeah. -Then I’ll buy you a drink. 喝  那我请你


373–Hey, honey, your skirt’s split there. 甜心 你的裙子有一道裂缝

374—What do you drink, kid? -Bourbon. 你要喝什么 – 波旁威士忌

375–Bourbon? 波旁威士忌

376—On the rocks? -Yeah. No. With water. 加冰块吗  – 好  不  加水吧

On the rocks:(of a drink) served undiluted and with ice cubes.

377–All right, you want rocks first, though, don’t you? 你最初想加冰块  是吗

378—Yeah. -Good, you got them. – 是的  – 那加冰吧

379—Not too much. -All right. That’ll set you free. – 别太多  –  来  这能使你轻松一下

380—You know the kid long? -Not very. I live upstairs. -你 认识小家伙很久了吗  – 不  我住在楼上

381–You’re kidding. Boy, look at this place, will you? 你说笑吗  看这儿

382–What a place. It’s unbelievable. What a dump. 像个垃圾堆  真难以置信

Dump:a site for depositing rubbish.

383–What do you think? 你认为怎样

384—About what? – Is she or isn’t she? – 关于什么  –  她是不是

385–Wait a minute. Hold it .等等  慢着

386—Harriet. -Hi, J.B. – 哈丽  – J.B.  你好

387–“J.B.”? O.J. What is that? J.B.  我是O.J  你是谁

388–All right. Hello there.你好

389—You know Gil. -Yeah. How are you? Good to see you. – 你认识吉尔吧  – 幸会

390—How about a drink? – Fine. In the kitchen. – 来喝一杯吧  – 所有饮料都在厨房里

391—You’ll find everything you need. – Thanks. – 那里应有尽有  – 谢谢

392–So. Oh, honey, that is you, that is you. 你来了  宝贝

393–Fred, darling, I’m so glad you could come. 费特  你能来就好了

394–I brought you a house present, something for the bookcase. 我给你带来一份礼物,往书架放的。

395–You’re sweet. 你真好

396–Doesn’t that look nice? Give me a cigarette, O.J. 很好看吧  O.J.  给我一根烟

397–Sure, sure. 好的

398–O.J.’s a great agent. He knows a terrific lot of phone numbers. O.J.是个很好的经理人  他有很多电话号码

399–What’s Jerry Wald’s phone number, O.J? 韦谢利的电话号码

400–Oh, come on, lay off. 别闹了

Lay off:give up or stop doing something.




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