Desperate Housewives S01E12 Part04
Sort sth out:Work out the kinks
Back on top:back on one’s feet
Back on one’s prime. / in one’s prime.
Those eggs have past its prime.
Did some thinking /reflecting on herself
She did some soul searching,
Row sb out:
Step up: 挺身而出(当别人需要帮助或有困难时)
Ulterior motive:动机不纯、别有用心
Suck up to Edie:
Come clean:
Out of the blue:
Level of commitment:
It turns out that…
Guts: 勇气、胆量
Hate one’s guts
Mike has been carrying her daughter’s picture around.
Better safe than sorry:小心驶得万年船
Be racked with sth:(对某事充满…)
Susan racked her brain to find a way into her own house. (绞尽脑汁)
I don’t think it is possible for me to suffer any more than I am already.
Put sth to the test:
She wants to mingle with the gang.
Potluck:百乐餐 百家宴
Sewer drain:下水道
Keep an eye on sb:
Hose sb off: 用水管冲洗
Death is inevitable, it’s a promise made to each of us at birth. But before that promise is kept, we all hope something will happen to us.
Whenever the narrator doing the monologue, there will always come up with coherent pictures to illustrator what the author is trying to convey.
Whether it’s the thrill of romance, the joy of raising a family, or the anguish of great loss, we all hope to experience something that make our lives meaningful.
But the sad fact is not all lives have meaning, some people spend their time on this planet just sitting/stay/kept on the sidelines waiting for something to happen to them before it’s too late.
George is a lame duck