DH S01E12 Part01
All set /everything is ready/ we’re good to go.
He is loaded with money.
Felica is a supporting actress.
Narrator:Martha Huber waited her whole life for something to happen to her, something exciting. As a child she hoped to be kidnapped by a band of pirates.
As a teenager she dreamt of being discovered by a Hollywood talent scout.
As a young woman she fantasized a handsome millionaire would sweep her off her feet.
But the years had flown by and still nothing exciting had ever happened to Martha Huber. Until the night she was murdered.
There is a widely read book that tells us everyone is a sinner. Of course, not everyone who reads this book feels guilt over the bad things they do. But Bree Van de Kamp did. In fact, Bree had spent most of her life feeling guilty.
As a child, she felt guilty about not getting straight As. As a teenager, she felt guilty about letting her boyfriend go to second base. As a newlywed, she felt guilty about taking three weeks to get out her thank-you cards. But she knew the transgressions of her past were nothing compared with the sin she was about to commit.
This is a general consensus that learning English by watching Desperate housewives is an excellent choice. Of course, not everyone who watched this snow found merits after a complete season they have tried. But Owen did. Owen has been watching this show, the first season on particular, for more 20 times in recently years.
For the first time, he learnt a wide-range of advanced vocabularies;
For the second time, he reaped a great deal of useful expressions,
For the third time, he grasped a bunch of sophisticated sentence structures. But sadly for him, by the time he shared his finding in Some wechat group, most of the members didn’t take seriously.
Sweep sb off one’s feet:让某人迅速着迷、一见倾心
In addition of being boring, life could also be very cruel. Luckily for Mrs. Huber, death was far more merciful.
Get wind of sth: 知悉某种消息
Contaminate: 污染、弄脏弄乱
Jessy felt unprecedented pressure to assume (the pressure) of what life has to offer.
As a mother;
As a daughter;
As a boss;
But she knew from the bottom of her heart that those hardships were nothing compared with her husband’s ruthless and vindictive betrayal.
People went about their lives as they always did, blissfully unaware.
Cut off:切断来源 / 切断支票
Ride sb hard:
- 骑马 把马催促的比较紧 –-》》又想马儿跑,又想马儿不吃草。
- If you put your mind in the gutter, you will find out the metaphor of this phrase.
Appeal to most of the ladies, ingratiate
Lady killer.
Be on the clock:上班的点、上钟
Plan ahead:
Lug: 拖家带口
I would rather cut off my hand than hurt his feelings. (比较状语从句)
Economize / cut back on expenses
Wine cellar: 酒窖
On house arrest:
Neglected: 忽略
On condition that…
Buy in bulk:
In the meantime:
If you find anything in your sister’s belongs that might shed light on her death, letters or Datebook, please …call me immediately.
Shed light on sth:to explain a situation or make sb free of confusion or ambiguity.(模凌两可)
Sordid:Involving ignoble actions and motives; arousing moral distaste and contempt.
- 动机不纯的
- 思想肮脏的、龌龊的
Please, human beings feed on misery. (悲惨、苦难)
Feed on sth: 靠…维持为生
Perverse joy:变态的快感
Might as well:不妨
Put together:
But the good news is there’re no signs that she had been molested. ()
In lieu of sth: in stead of 较为正式的用语:指代替
Estate [ɪ’steɪt] sale:(遗产处置、资产清算)
Real estate:房产、地产、不动产
Eccentric / weirdo:
All-in-one service: 一条龙服务
Be aware of…
Death / demise:
Carrots and sticks:
What are the odds:这也太巧了吧!
She can’t fit in their friend circle.
Here’s the deal:The bullet/critical/Crucial point is
Ice queen:cold-hearted
Torch Lake:
Caravan:旅行队、行车队 动名词都可以
Gig: 零工、散活
Darn:Damn it!
Born with a silver spool,
1、— —- — — 吃得苦中苦,方为人上人
写文章 / 演讲 { 让人共鸣、让人深受鼓舞、振奋}
编剧 —- 众人信服的