Come out of sth:(1、从某种不好的境遇中摆脱出来;2、由于某种原因而说出、想出、做出某事;3、从相对闭塞、不自信的状态中从容、自信地走了出来;4、从某个地方出来)
- To no longer be in a bad situation.E.G.1:I hope he comes out of all this OK. He’s a little squirrelly, but he seems like a good kid. (DH S01E10 )
参考翻译:我希望他能够从最近发生的事轻松走出来。他有点情绪急躁,不过应该是个好孩子。E.G.2:Oh, it’s just a rough patch. You two will come out of this stronger than ever. (DH S08E14 36:54)
参考翻译:哦,这不过是人生的一道关卡,经历了这一次,你们的感情会更坚固。Rough patch:to experience a lot of problems in a period of your life. (困难时期、难熬的一段经历、人生的一道坎)
E.G.3:You have just come out of a coma. Can we not talk about Susan till you start to regain your strength? (DH S03E04 25:24)
参考翻译:你刚刚从昏迷中苏醒过来。要不我们还是刚你恢复力气之后再讨论苏珊的问题吧?E.G.4:There are signs that the country is coming out of recession. 有迹象表明这个国家正在从衰退中恢复过来。
- to happen as a result of something.
E.G.1:Everything I said came out of my own insecurity and fear that I might, well, I might disappoint you. (DH S03E03 20:57)
参考翻译:我所说过的每一句话,都源于内心的恐惧和不安全感,因为我害怕……害怕让你失望。E.G.2:There’re a great many of excellent ideas came out of the group-up activities.
参考翻译:有很多非常好的想法从组队的活动中被激发了出来。 - to start to behave in a more confident way.E.G.1:Sherry has really come out of herself since she started that course.
参考翻译:自从她开始学习那门课程,雪莉比以前变得自信多了。EG.2:I am glad you came out of yourself into the wider world, and I will definitely watch this.
参考翻译:我非常高兴你能够从闭塞中向更加广阔的世界走了出来,我一定会持续给予关注。 - emerged or delivered from a place or a person.
E.G.1:I’m your husband. I own 50% of whatever comes out of that uterus [‘juːtərəs] .
参考翻译:我是你丈夫,我从你肚子里生出来的孩子,都有我的一半。E.G.2:I tried to break up with her, but because I wasn’t sure you wanted me back, the words just wouldn’t come out of my mouth. (DH S02E19 40:42)
Think straight:To think rationally, thoughfully or calmly. to be able to use your mind in an effective way. (理智地、周全地、平静地思考)
E.G.1:Sorry. I’m so relieved you’re safe, I’m not thinking straight. (DH S01E10)
E.G.2:Can we hold off on those, just for a minute? I want her thinking straight for a while longer. (Lie to me S03E07 14:59)
E.G.3:I’m sorry, I’m not thinking straight, my mind just turned to mush.
Squirrelly: 暴躁不安的、情绪急躁
How sb taking sth:问某人心里是怎么想的?
Accuse sb of sth/ doing sth:
Jessica accused me of not being a team player. And she was wrong about me, and… I was wrong about you. (Suits S05E11 34:27)
He accused me of being abusive to the help. Then he told me to pack my bags. (DM S02E08)
E.G.3:You’ve subpoenaed [sə’piːnə] all my files, and you’ve accused me of extortion. I can’t imagine what more you want from me.
E.G.4:Sylvia took this to mean that they were in love. And when Adam told her otherwise, she had a breakdown and accused him of sexual assault. (DH S04E19 18:53)
Lean on sb:depend on someone
What if I want to talk about the big crush I have on the plumber that lives across the street.
- Smile to die for
You’re a sucker of sth
- tattoo
Get sb started on sth: 让某人开始做某事
Think straight / 理智地、周全地、平静地考虑问题/思考事情
Not thinking straight: One’s mind turned to mush:神志不清、脑子不灵光了
Spoiler alert:剧透
Pop into one’s head:
You’re pretty brazen for a woman who just admitted, however tacitly, that she just slept with my husband.
Brazen: Bold and without shame. (厚颜无耻的)
Tacitly: in a way that is understood or implied without being directly stated. (默许、默认)
Guilty pleasure:
They’re not in the same league.
Mean, slutty, pig of a women, Vain
She wants maintain her social status.
To make it more adaptable to/ get use to
the Western’s way of thinking.
Head out: going out
Usual routine:
Sugar makes them hype.
Corndog: 玉米”热狗”
Get sth to go with sth:
Veggies [‘veɡɪz] :蔬菜
Sly dog:(人精、偷奸耍滑之人)
Settle in: 定居、安顿—心情舒坦地着手某事
Pick:Something selected as the most desirable; the best or choicest part. (精华、精品、优选)
Has an ulterior motive to undermine Claire’s intimacy among her kids so that Claire won’t be able to replace her place as a decent mother.
I’m gonna go out and find the most vindictive (心恨手辣的) lawyer I can find and together we are going to eviscerate you. I’m gonna take away your money, your family and your dignity.
Eviscerate[ɪ’vɪsəreɪt]:to remove one or all of the organs from the inside of a body. (除去……内脏、重伤……元气)
Nothing can add more love to a needy kid than a protective mother and nothing can top off the vicious attack than a desperate woman.
Trust is fragile thing, once earned it afford us tremendous freedom. But once trust is lost, it can be impossible to recover. Of course, the truth is we never know who we can trust, those we’re closest to can betray us, and total strangers can come to our rescue. In the end, most people decide to trust only themselves, it really is the simplest way to keep from getting burned.