
【I for one…】:Used for emphasizing what you believe or think, even if other people disagree. 【对我来说、于我而言(必须的)】

E.G.1:Carlos,she is just a lonely old woman, yearning for some friendship and human contact. And I for one, am happy to be that human. (DHS05E07)

E.G.2:He’s trying awfully hard to get close to Bree. I for one, would like to know why. (DHS06E18)

【Among friends】:surrounded by people who are one’s friends and are not threatening in any way Relax. You’re among friends here and can speak freely. 【朋友间的(会话、玩笑、恶作剧)等】

E.G.1:So obviously, when Dinesh calls me retarded Frankenstein, or he describes me as AIDS lady, I know this is a joke among friends.(Silicon.Valley.S02E04)

E.G.2:It’s just a–it’s just a casual conversation among friends. (DHS08E09)

【Not budge/budging】:If something will not budge or you cannot budge it, it will not move. (不为所动、不会做出让步以坚持某种立场)

E.G.1:That baby can scream into a bullhorn, and Johnny won’t budge. (DHS06E01)

E.G.2:Bree:That’s someone’s little girl. And that someone probably had a lot of dreams for her. Dreams that did not include a thong and a pole.
Andrew:It’s not going to work, ok? I’m not budging. (DHS01E04)

【Doesn’t it just figure】:You can use this American expression when you want to make a statement about something bad that normally happens that way and no-one is really surprised about it anymore. (这事不用猜就知道、果不其然、不出所料)

E.G.1:Well, doesn’t that figure? Susan always finds a way to make it about her.

Edie:Oh, I’m so excited to hear you. Oh, but doesn’t it just figure
Susan: “What do you mean?”
Edie: “You have to get up in front of a room full of people dressed like that.I hope they don’t turn on you.” (DHS01E11)

这句话不是很好理解,网上各种版本的翻译都有,小编认为:这句话的适当翻译:哇,我好期待啊(听你歌唱)。不过不用猜就知道:你得穿着这身衣服(衣着寒碜)站在大厅广众之下(言外之言:不出我所料的话,你会出尽洋相。),我真希望他们不会猛地朝你“吐口水” (或者把你轰下台。)

【Turn on someone】:to attack or criticize someone suddenly. (攻击或抨击某人)

【Take one’s chances】:do something risky or highly likey to fail with the hope of success. (冒险一试)

【High notes】:The highest and usually climactic note of a song or composition, especially one that is difficult to reach. (歌曲的高音或高亢的音调部分,比如韩红的:呀拉嗦那就是——青藏——高…………原!)


I always loved to see them fight ‘cuz deep down they always cared the one other. I really liked the scene when Edie died and how Susan kneels to whisper in her ear that it was all going to be ok and how Edie said “Susan Mayer, wrong again”. Anyone miss this show?

They really should’ve killed off Susan instead. At least Edie was a beautiful, cool and likeable character.

Yes, Edie did bad things but at least she was always honest and direct, not like the others who pretend dementia and act holy when they did their thing, she also always tried to be understanding and gave her unconditional support, that’s why I always liked her.

I got so pissed off at the beginning when they were all like: “she went after all our husbands”
Um excuse me? Edie never tried to steal any of your men, she dated mike when susan left him during his coma for that british guy, she dated carlos after him and gaby got divorced and gaby married victor, she never did anything wrong or tried to hurt anyone, in fact she was the most innocent women out of all the housewives and the show was never the same after she left!


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