绝望的主妇第一季第二集学习笔记:Peverse joy
Perverse joy:(直译:有悖常理的快乐,意译是指幸灾乐祸:一般用来描述从别人的不幸或负面情绪中所收获到的快乐,即便知道这种乐趣来得有悖常理或者让人难以接受,或者是很难让其它人找到共鸣。)
Peverse:showing a deliberate and obstinate desire to behave in a way that is unreasonable or unacceptable, or in other words, willfully determined not to do what is expected or desired. (故意且坚决实施某种行为,即使是不合理、不道德或者令人难人接受。对应的中文形容词:肆意妄为、明知故犯),谈到这个词,我觉得有必要提下:”Schadenfreude”这个词,意思是:delight in another person’s misfortune,正好对应我们中文的一个成语:幸灾乐祸。
类似的搭配有:Perverse delight, Perverse pleasure…
这里用到的词组是get A out of B,意思是“从A中获得B”,
关于“Perverse joy”对应的生活场景:
- Our reaction when we hear that another couple’s marriage has broken up, or suffered a sex scandal (当听到某对夫妻的婚姻破裂或者是遭受性丑闻:男人找小三、女人红杏出墙)
- Our reaction when someone we know (but don’t love) loses their job, or their life savings (当听到某个我们了解但并不喜爱的人丢了工作或者赔了家当)
- Our reaction when we hear of an unexpected death or tragedy outside our immediate circle of family or friends (当听到某种发生在我们亲友圈子外的事故或悲剧)
- The pleasure we get from comedy that recounts the protagonists’ stupid, catastrophic or pathetic behaviours and their consequences (从喜剧里面闪回的主角愚笨之极、令人气愤填膺的空难性行为中获取的乐趣。)
- The satisfaction we get from hearing about criminals’ dire, even cruel, punishments (刚得知某个罪犯遭受到了极为严厉和残酷的处罚)
- Reality TV (真人秀自虐,比如荒野求生里面的贝爷吃虫子)
- Our media-pandered fascination with celebrities’ scandals (对于某些明星被媒体爆出的丑闻)
E.G.1 Although I tried not to hold a grudge, I felt perverse joy when I learned my mean supervisor had been fired…
E.G.2 Andy is taking a perverse joy in the downfall of Luo YongHao for pedding fake woolen sweater in his online broadcasting room.