
Judging from this clip, it is no doubt that Mom Soils, Juanita is desperate woman who had gone through hell and high water, she managed to make her outrageous and violent husband disappear from Carlos and her life, although the author didn’t reveal the sordid details, we can only imagine that must have been a hell of ride.


Juanita is such a protective mother that she would not allow anyone to undermine Carlos’s interest. As soon as she learnt that her daughter-in-law might having an affair, she traveled 2000 miles to step into Gaby’s married life, not only keep an eye on her daily activities, but interfere whatever she deems inappropriate. She is now feeling Gaby out and sending a serious warning which whacked the war drum of a ferocious battle.

Unfortunately for Juanita, Gaby is hard nut to crack, as the storyline continues to evolve, we’re about to experience a series of dramatic and fearsome combat between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.


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