
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E10 – Part01


Run errands for someone:To go out to buy or do something. (为某人跑腿干活)

【片段精解】——>>CLIP 39

Guest A: Maisy, I’ve always wondered. 梅西 我总在想

——>>Nobody knows about your little hobby, do they? 没人知道你这个小嗜好吧

——>>Is it hard keeping a secret like this? 像这样的秘密很难保守吧

Maisy: Well, maybe if it was just my secret如果只是我一个人的秘密 也许很难

——>>but the way I see it, 不过在我看来

——>>I keep the secrets of every man who comes to me. 我在为每个来找我的人保守秘密

——>>And I find that absolutely exhilarating. 这还挺刺激的

——>>A few years back, Harold lost his job 几年前 哈罗德失业后

——>>and we had to give up our membership at the country club. 我们不得不退出乡村俱乐部

——>>And then one day one of my club friends有一天 一个俱乐部的朋友

——>>asked why she hadn’t seen me around lately. 问怎么最近没见到我

——>>and I told her that we couldn’t afford it any more. 我就告诉她我们没钱去了

——>>She waved it off like it was nothing, 她摆摆手表示不在意

——>>but I saw her get that look in her eye, 可她看我的那种眼神

——>>that look of… pity. 充满了 怜悯

Guest A: Maybe she was just trying to be nice. 说不定她是想安慰你

——>>Anyway, is that so bad, feeling sorry for someone? 不管怎么说 怜悯别人就那么糟糕吗

Maisy: When they say something, they are being supportive, 如果她们说点什么 那还算鼓励

——>>but when they say nothing, 但他们要是保持沉默

——>>it’s because they think 是因为他们觉得

——>>you’re so far gone; you’re never coming back. 你这一走就回不来了

Guest A: Gotcha you. 我懂了

Maisy: Anyway, a couple months later, I started my little hobby, 几个月后 我就染上了这小嗜好

——>>and the most wonderful thing happened. 接着最精彩的事发生了

——>>This woman’s husband became one of my regulars. 这女人的丈夫也成了我的常客之一

——>>Oh, would you be a lamb and go out the back? 你能乖乖从后门走吗

——>>That’s my next appointment. 我的下个客户来了

Guest A: Sure. 好的

Maisy: It’s the husband of the woman I was telling you about. 就是我和你说的那女人的丈夫

——>>Hello, there. 你好啊

The way I see it:As I view or interpret a certain situation. (在我看来,我认为)

E.G.1:Gaby, this is the way I see it. Good friends offer to help in a crisis. Great friends don’t take no for an answer. (DH S01E16)


E.G.2:The way I see it, The I.R.S. Is a government agency, and the government only exists because of the taxes that we pay. (DH S06E22)



引述个人观点 强调个人观点
As far as I know/am concerned:照目前看来… The bottom line is:关键是…
The way I see it:在我看来… The thing/fact/truth is:重点是、事实是…
From my perspective/point of view:依我看… I’d like to point out:我想指出的是…
In my opinion:我个人认为;我的看法是… Here’s the thing/deal:总的来说是这样…
From what I can tell/see:从我所掌握的信息来看… My point is/being:我的观点是…

Exhilarating[ɪɡ’zɪləreɪtɪŋ]Making one feel very happy, animated, exciting or thrilling. (让人兴奋、精神劲头足的、精彩刺激的)

E.G.1:I can see it in your eyes. You’re telling me about this horrible story, but you love telling it. Although… I suppose it was… a little exhilarating. (DH S08E11)


E.G.2:I keep the secrets of every man who comes to me. And I find that absolutely exhilarating. (DH 01E10)


Have you ever been in a position that you’re totally messed up or depressed, or losing the momentum? You’re expecting someone to get your back, to cheer you up, to root for you, but they didn’t turn out like you expected them to, how do you feel after that? Please tell us a story.



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