Leadership,讲到这个词,我们最常用的地方应该便是简历和面试当中了。我们常常在自我介绍里夸自己具有领导才能,举例自己做过班长,团支书,在社团中担任重要的职务。然而,到底什么是leadership?要成为一个成功的leader需要具备什么样的才能?如何培养自己的leadership?这部名为:《High performance Leadership:高效领导力》的纪录片将会大家逐层剥开高效管理与领导力养成的面纱。
High performance leadership is an inspired collection of leadership anecdotes, the film dedicated to all the future leaders in the making. This documentary is a rare source material for business english learners, with thought-provoking views and profound insights on leadership from lots of established entrepreneurs and some management gurus!
This will guide you into the process of understanding the critical attributes of charismatic leadership, assembling brilliant business minds as well as grasping the essence of leading people towards a bright future. Please refer to the topics which were covered as below:
Chatper 01:Management vs Leadership (管理与领导力)
Chatper 02:The paradigm shift (典范转移)
Chatper 03:What is leadership (什么是领导力)
Chatper 04:Leadership Development (领导力养成)
Chatper 05:Horizon Next (未来领导力)
Leadership is about doing things right.
Managers manage the present, leaders lead to the future.