
­­­Desperate Housewives S01E15 – Part01


Old-fashionedadhering to customs of a past era. (旧时的,老派的,传统的)

E.G.1:Have you ever had real, old-fashioned eggnog? (DH S01E05)


E.G.2:I was so afraid when I suggested a picnic that you’d make fun of me, but I just think it’s such a lovely, old-fashioned way to spend an afternoon. (DH S01E12)



1、of poor quality, not good, right, proper or skillful.

E.G.1:Hey, Susan. I don’t mean to bug you. There’s just so much I didn’t get to say. I’m lousy at goodbyes. (DH S03E20)


E.G.2:Oh, come on, Bree. You’re gonna dump me over a lousy brooch? (DH S06E06)

2、not well or healthy, not happy or pleased,

E.G.1:Could we not yell at each other? I’m feeling really lousy today. (DH S01E14)


E.G.2:I figured it was time to visit my favorite aunt. Your mom always did have lousy taste in men. (DH S03E02)


Hamper[‘hæmpə(r)]:A large basket that you keep your dirty clothes in until they are washed. (盛脏衣服的大篮子)

Do any good:Improve a situation or effect a favorable result. (使事情朝向好的方面发展)

E.G.1:I wish I could tell this to those I left behind, but would it do any good? Probably not. (DH S01E03)


E.G.2:I can absolutely tell him that we think he’s too young now, things are not gonna do any good. (DH S01E14)


Confiscate[‘kɒnfɪskeɪt]:to take a possession away from someone when you have the right to do so, usually as a punishment and often for a limited period, after which it is returned to the owner (没收、使充公)

E.G.1:Well, then, the least we can do is to search his room, and if we find any more of these, we’ll confiscate them. (DH S01E15)


E.G.2:I’m going to tell the orderlies to confiscate all your personal items. (DH S02E23)


Better safe than sorry:it’s wiser to be cautious and careful than to be hasty or rash and so do something you may later regret. (凡事小心为妙,有备无患。来源于谬语:”谨言慎行不吃亏,轻率莽撞必后悔”)

E.G.1:Can she get enough for a couple months? That’s right. Better safe than sorry. (DH S01E12)


E.G.2:But I also know if anything happens to you, Branson will lose his place. Better safe than sorry, my lady. (DA S01E06)


Better safe than sorry

White lie:a harmless or trivial lie, especially one told to avoid hurting someone’s feelings. (善意的谎言)

E.G.1:Each new morning in suburbia brings with it: a new set of lies. Little white lies, told not to hurt. (DH S01E15)

参考翻译:郊区的每一个早晨都会迎来 一些新的谎言:善意的小谎言,说出来也无伤大雅。

E.G.2:All those little white lies: The devil was in your heart, but heaven was in your eyes. (DM S01E07)


Turn up(with sth):(开大、加大、调高;出现、到达某处;发现、找到某物)

1、Increase the amount of sound, heat, or power being produced, by adjusting the controls.

E.G.1:If you want to smack him around a little, I can go inside and turn up the radio. (DH S03E19)

E.G.2:Are you nuts? You don’t go to trial. You turn up the pressure, and then you settle. (Suits S05E04)

2、To appear or arrive at a place.

E.G.1:We don’t know that for sure. All we know is that Lynette’s kids turned up with it. (DH S01E15)


E.G.2:You know me so well, you know I never turn up without a way out. (White Collar S05E11)


3、be found, especially by chance, after being lost.

E.G.1:Right now, I’m just your bitter, crazy ex. But if I turn up dead, and you have no alibi…(DH S04E17)

参考翻译:现在 我只是你怀恨在心的前妻,如果我被发现死了,你又没有不在场证明……用不着你替我操心

E.G.2:It was a family heirloom, unbelievable! — Yeah, that it would turn up again after all this time.

参考翻译:这是件传家之宝,简直难以置信!– 是啊,这么久之后居然还能找到。

Put it past sbused to say that you would not be surprised if someone did something, especially something bad. (对某人做某事不觉奇怪)



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